2013 Rosenbauer Commander
1500 GPM Hale Pump
750 gallon water tank
30 gallon foam tank
Cummins ISL9 450 HP Motor
Allison 3000 EVS Transmission
Squad 3 is a special service unit classified as a Squad unit. This truck specializes in auto extrication and as a EMS support unit. Squad 3 carries a full compliment of Holmatro Rescue Tools which are hydraulic tools that allow firefighters the ability to take a part a vehicle in a short amount of time freeing trapped patients. The truck also carries Rescue 42 stabilizing struts which when deployed stabilize a vehicle from moving while firefighters work to free the patients. In addition to these tools Squad 3 carries all the necessary equipment to take care of patients when EMS units are not available and provide support and manpower to EMS crews when patients need to be flown to specialized faculties.
Squad 3 Layout
Click on the compartments for more information
Squad 3 Awards